About me

About me

I am an innovative business leader and technical professional with a proven track record of sucessful business management. I hold a degree in mechanical engineering, a degree in economics and statistics and an MBA. I enjoy the challenges of applying rigorous analysis to and finding solutions for real-world business problems. I am also an instrument rated pilot (airplanes) and the holder of a number of published patents.

I am a registered professional engineer with the UK Engineering Council and am a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

I have a solid grounding in the fundamentals of engineering and business and have wide international experience in the the enginering, manufacturing and operating and maintenance of transportation equipment, primarily, shipping containers and container related equipment including dry freight containers, flatracks, tank containers, reefers, and specialized purpose built containers.

I have vast experience in the design and operation of shipping containers and flexitanks and was the CEO and co-owner of Trans Ocean Distribution Limited (TOD). Under my watch TOD grew from a flailing company in 1997 to the very profitable industry leader by 2007 when we sold the company to the JF Hillebrand Group. I did this by developing equipment, operations, pricing, marketing and other strategies and a clear plan of execution to support a robust business model while delivering measurable value.

At the end of 2012 I decided to resign my position as a member of the JF Hillebrand Group Executive Board and step out on my own realizing the importance of makng a difference in business by being independent. My focus and passion now is to help small to medium sized businesses in transition or in search of a new direction to understand their environments, develop appropriate strategies and to assist in the execution of action plans to unlock value.

I am based in Austin, TX but do work globally. In my spare time I enjoy travelling with my wife, mentoring our two sons embarking on their own successful careers and riding my bike.

My LinkedIn profile can be viewed here